

Loads up the list of requests for the current group


array list_getGroupRequests (int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort, string $where, array $where_params)

Parameter $start

Expected type: Integer
Description: The first result that the query should return.

Parameter $items_per_page

Expected type: Integer
Description: Number of items displayed per page. Indicates how many results to return.

Parameter $sort

Expected type: String
Description: A sort string for the query indicating what we want to sort by (eg "id_member ASC", etc.)

Parameter $where

Expected type: String
Description: An SQL string to be passed to WHERE

Parameter $where_params

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of parameters to be injected into the $where string

Return value

Expected type: Array of arrays
Description: An array containing arrays with information about each request to join a particular group (based on the given parameters). Each array will have 'id', 'member_link' (HTML for displaying a link to the member's profile), 'group_link' (group title displayed in the "online_color"), 'reason' (member's reason for wanting to join the group) and 'time_submitted' (formatted date/time string indicating when the member requested to join the group)


  • Loads up all the data for the template
  • Each array in the array that's returned contains information about a specific request