

Adds an index to the specified table


bool smf_db_add_index (string $table_name[, array $index_info[, array $parameters[, string $if_exists[, string $error]]]])

Parameter $table_name

Expected type: String
Description: The name of the table to add the index to

Parameter $index_info

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of information about the index

Array Elements of $index_info
Key Optional Expected type Description
columns no Array An array of column names indicating which columns to add the index on
name yes String The desired name of the index (not required for primary keys; if not set, SMF will choose the name)
type yes Enumerated String What type of index this should be. Can be 'primary' (for primary key) or 'unique'. If not set, a regular index is created.

Parameter $parameters

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of parameters

Array Elements of $parameters
Key Optional Expected type Description
no_prefix yes Boolean If true, SMF won't add the db_prefix to the table name

Parameter $if_exists

Expected type: Enumerated String
Description: What to do if the index already exists. If set to an empty string, the function will return false if the index already exists.

Possible string values
Allowed values Description
'update' Remove the existing index with the given name and create a new one with the specified parameters

Parameter $error

Expected type: Enumerated String
Description: Error parameter (currently not used?)

Possible string values
Allowed values Description
'fatal' Default value

Return value

Expected type: Boolean
Description: True if the index was successfully added/updated, false if the index exists and "if_exists" isn't "update" or no columns are specified


  • If no name is specified, SMF will use the column names separated by an underscore as the name
  • Can also be used to add a primary key to a table by setting the 'type' parameter of the index_info array to 'primary'