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Same as calling ssi_topTopics with a type parameter of 'views'.
array ssi_topTopicsViews ([int $num_topics[, string $output_method]])
Parameter $num_topics
Expected type: Integer
Description: How many topics to get. Default is 10.
Parameter $output_method
Expected type: String
Description: If 'echo', outputs a preformatted list of topics (assuming there are any). If anything else, returns an array containing a separate array for each topic.
Return value
Expected type: Array
Description: Same as for ssi_topTopics - if $output_method is 'echo', the function displays pre-formatted results. Otherwise an array of arrays (each containing info about a topic) is returned. Also returns an empty array if there's nothing to show.
Array Elements Key Optional Expected type Description href no String The URL to the topic id no Integer Topic ID link no String The link to the topic num_replies no Integer The number of replies to the topic num_views no Integer The number of times the topic has been viewed subject no String Subject of the topic
- ssi_topTopicsViews($num_recent, $output_method) is the same as ssi_topTopics('views', $num_recent, $output_method).
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