

Converts a given array of ip numbers to a single string.


string range2ip (array $low, array $high)

Parameter $low

Expected type: Array of Integers
Description: The parts of the IP at the low end of the range

Parameter $high

Expected type: Array of Integers
Description: The parts of the IP at the high end of the range (can include '*' for wildcards)

Return value

Expected type: String
Description: Returns an empty string if either of the arrays has less than 4 items, 'unknown' for or the IP range ( for example)


  • Internal function used to convert a format suitable for the database to a user-readable format.
  • Range2ip(array(10, 10, 10, 0), array(10, 10, 20, 255)) returns '10.10.10-20.*
  • Returns 'unknown' if the ip in the input was ''.
  • Reverse of 'ip2range' function
  • Moved to ManageBans.php in 1.1