

Returns an array containing all the information needed to show a calendar grid for the given month.


array getCalendarGrid (int $month, int $year, array $calendarOptions)

Parameter $month

Expected type: Integer
Description: An integer specifying which month it is

Parameter $year

Expected type: Integer
Description: The 4-digit year

Parameter $calendarOptions

Expected type: Array
Description: An array specifying various options for the calendar

Array Elements of $calendarOptions
Key Optional Expected type Description
show_birthdays no Boolean Whether or not to show birthdays
show_events no Boolean Whether or not to show events
show_holidays no Boolean Whether or not to show holidays
show_week_links no Boolean Whether or not to show links to view all calendar information for each week
show_week_num no Boolean Whether or not to show week numbers
size no String Either 'small' or 'large'. If 'small', font size is set to "xx-small". Defaults to large if not set.
start_day no Integer An integer representing the day of the week to start with (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.)
short_day_titles yes Boolean If set, specifies that we should abbreviate the weekday names instead of spelling them out
show_next_prev yes Boolean Whether or not to show links to the previous and next months

Return value

Expected type: Array

Array Elements
Key Optional Expected type Description
first_day no Array An array of information about the first day on the calendar. Contains day_of_week (integer - 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.), week_num (integer representing the week of the year) and date (date of the first day, in YYYY-MM-DD format)
first_day_of_next_year no Integer Integer specifying which day of the week Janaury 1st of the next year occurs on (0-6)
first_day_of_year no Integer Integer specifying which day of the week January 1st of this year occurs on (0-6)
last_day no Array Information about the last day of the month. Contains day (integer representing the day of the month) and date (date of the last day, in YYYY-MM-DD format)
next_calendar no Array An array of information about next month's calendar. Has only one key - href, which is a link to view the next month's calendar.
previous_calendar no Array An array of information about the previous calendar. Has only one key - href, which is a link to the previous month's calendar
weeks no Array of arrays An array of information about each week on the calendar. The keys are the row numbers (0 through 52) and each array has number (week number) and days (array of arrays with information about each day in the week)
week_days no Array of Integers An array of integers specifying which day of the week each date occurs on


  • Also provides information (link, month, year) about the previous and next month.