

This function handles updates/changes to an existing board.


void modifyBoard (int $board_id, array &$boardOptions)

Parameter $board_id

Expected type: Integer
Description: The ID of the board to modify

Parameter &$boardOptions

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of board settings and options. Exactly the same as in 1.1 except that $boardOptions['permission_mode'] was replaced with $boardOptions['profile'] (read on for more info)

Array Elements of $boardOptions
Key Optional Expected type Description
access_groups yes Escaped String A list of IDs corresponding to the groups that are allowed to see this board
board_description yes Escaped String The description of this board
board_name yes Escaped String The name of this board
board_theme yes Integer The ID of the theme to use for this board (0 to use global theme)
moderators yes Array of Integers The IDs corresponding to members who are currently moderators of this board
moderator_string yes Escaped String A list of names of users to add to the board as moderators
move_to yes Enumerated String Where to move this board to: 'after' (after another board), 'before' (before another one), 'bottom' (make this the last board in the category), 'child' (make it a dhid of another board) or 'top' (make it the first board in the category)
override_theme yes Boolean Whether or not to override the theme. If true, the specified theme will always be used, regardless of whether the member has chosen "Forum or board default" for their theme
posts_count yes Boolean Whether or not to count posts on this board
profile yes Integer The ID of the permissions profile to use for this board (replaces the "permission_mode" option from 1.1)
target_board yes Integer If $boardOptions['move_to'] is 'after', this is the ID of the board to move the current board after. If $boardOptions['move_to'] is 'before', specifies the board that the current one should be moved before. If $boardOptions['move_to'] is 'child', this is the ID of the desired parent board.


  • Only one minor change from 1.1