

Gets the moderation log entries that match the specified parameters


array list_getModLogEntries (int $start, int $items_per_page, string $sort[, string $query_string[, array $query_params[, int $log_type]]])

Parameter $start

Expected type: Integer
Description: Which row of the results to start with

Parameter $items_per_page

Expected type: Integer
Description: How many entries we're displaying on each page

Parameter $sort

Expected type: String
Description: An SQL string to be passed to ORDER BY indicating how we want to sort the results

Parameter $query_string

Expected type: String
Description: An string to be added on to the WHERE clause to limit the results. This should include only the {type:variable} parameters.

Parameter $query_params

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of parameters to be injected into the $query_string

Parameter $log_type

Expected type: Integer
Description: Which log we're viewing - 1 for the mod log, 3 for the admin log. Defaults to 1.

Return value

Expected type: Array of arrays
Description: An array containing arrays of mod/admin log entries


  • Limit can be an array with two values
  • Search_param and order should be proper SQL strings or blank. If blank they are not used.