

Attempts to retrieve a cache entry, and calls a specified function upon failure.


string cache_quick_get (string $key, string $file, string $function, array $params[, int $level])

Parameter $key

Expected type: String
Description: The key for the cached data we wish to retrieve

Parameter $file

Expected type: String
Description: The name of a file in the Sources directory containing the function to call if the cached data can't be retrieved

Parameter $function

Expected type: String
Description: The name of the function to call if the cached data can't be retrieved

Parameter $params

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of parameters to pass to the specified function that's called if cached data can't be retrieved

Parameter $level

Expected type: Integer
Description: Only retrieve the cached data if the cache level is greater than or equal to this. Defaults to 1.

Return value

Expected type: String
Description: The cached data
