

Returns the appropriate query for the particular database type


bool smf_db_search_query (string $identifier, string $db_string[, array $db_values[, resource $connection]])

Parameter $identifier

Expected type: Enumerated String
Description: A special string that identifies this particular query, and in turn tells the function what to replace in the query

Possible string values
Allowed values Description
'create_tmp_log_search_messages' Creating the "log_search_messages" temporary table (replaces "MEDIUMINT" with "int" and strips "TYPE=HEAP")
'create_tmp_log_search_topics' Creating the "log_search_topics" temporary table (replaces "MEDIUMINT" with "int" and strips "TYPE=HEAP")
'drop_tmp_log_search_messages' Dropping the temporary "log_search_messages" table (strips "IF EXISTS")
'drop_tmp_log_search_topics' Dropping the temporary "log_search_topics" table (strips "IF EXISTS")
'insert_into_log_messages_fulltext' Inserting data into the "log_search_messages" table (Replaces "NOT RLIKE" with "!~*" and "RLIKE" with "~*")
'insert_into_log_search_subjects' Inserting data into the "log_search_subjects" table (Replaces "NOT RLIKE" with "!~*" and "RLIKE" with "~*")

Parameter $db_string

Expected type: String
Description: The actual text of the query

Parameter $db_values

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of values to inject into the db_string (see smf_db_query)

Parameter $connection

Expected type: Resource
Description: The name of a specific connection resource to use

Return value

Expected type: Boolean
Description: Returns the $smcFunc['db_query'] statement with the appropriate text (see smf_db_query for more info)


  • Used to replace MySQL-specific keywords with the equivalent syntax for PostgreSQL
  • Returns the $smcFunc['db_query'] statement with the appropriate query
  • If $identifier is an empty string or isn't in the array, checks for "INSERT IGNORE" and replaces it with "INSERT" if it's there
  • Skips errors