

Loads up information regarding any post errors for the template


void messagePostError (array $error_types, array $to, array $bcc)

Parameter $error_types

Expected type: Array
Description: An array containing one or more of the following strings, used to indicate what error(s) occurred: session_timeout (session timed out), no_subject (subject was empty), no_message (message was empty), no_to (no recipients were specified), long_message (message is too long)

Parameter $to

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of recpients for the "to" field

Parameter $bcc

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of recipients for the "bcc" field


  • Loads all the appropriate error messages into $context['post_errors']['messages']
  • Existing information is also loaded into $context variables so you don't lose anything
  • Loads the 'send' sub-template
  • Doesn't return anything
  • Returned by MessagePost2 if there are any errors