

The core of this file, it creates a new, but empty, table of data in context, ready for filling using addData().


void newTable ([string $title[, string $defaultValue[, string $shading[, string $width_normal[, string $align_normal[, string $width_shaded[, string $align_shaded]]]]]]])

Parameter $title

Expected type: String
Description: Title to be displayed with this data table

Parameter $defaultValue

Expected type: String
Description: Value to be displayed if a key is missing from a row.

Parameter $shading

Expected type: Enumerated String
Description: Specifies which part of the table should be shaded

Possible string values
Allowed values Description
'all' Both parts of the table should be shaded (default value)
'left' Only the left part of the table should be shaded
'top' Only the top part of the table should be shaded

Parameter $width_normal

Expected type: String
Description: Width of an unshaded column (or 'auto' to automatically determine the width)

Parameter $align_normal

Expected type: Enumerated String
Description: Alignment of data in an unshaded column

Possible string values
Allowed values Description
'center' Centered (default value)
'justify' Justified (adjusts spacing and such so that text alignment is even at both the left and right margins)
'left' Left-aligned
'right' Right-aligned

Parameter $width_shaded

Expected type: String
Description: The width of a shaded column (or 'auto' to adjust based on the width of the data)

Parameter $align_shaded

Expected type: Enumerated String
Description: Alignment of data in shaded columns

Possible string values
Allowed values Description
'center' Centered (default value)
'justify' Justified (adjusts text spacing so alignment is even on both the left and right margins)
'left' Left-aligned
'right' Right-aligned


  • Fills the context variable current_table with the ID of the table created.
  • Keeps track of the current table count using context variable table_count.