

Determines the actions of the members passed in urls.


mixed determineActions (mixed $urls)

Parameter $urls

Expected type: Mixed
Description: Either a single URL (indicating where the current user is) or an array of arrays

Allowed types for $urls
Allowed values Description
String A single URL (indicating where the current member is - ie at the who's online list)
Array of arrays An array of arrays, each sub-array containing the serialized URL info and the member ID.

Return value

Expected type: Mixed

Possible types
Allowed values Description
String A description of what the user is doing
Array of arrays An array containing each of the passed arrays as its keys and the description of what each user is doing as its values - $data = array(array($data, $memberid) => description);


  • Urls should be a single url (string) or an array of arrays, each inner array being (serialized request data, ID_MEMBER).
  • Returns an array of descriptions if you passed an array, otherwise the string describing their current location.
  • Sets up the $allowedActions array which takes the form of 'action' => array('permission') or 'action' => array('permission1', 'permission2',...)