

This function actually gets and prepares the message context.


array prepareDisplayContext ([bool $reset])

Parameter $reset

Expected type: Boolean
Description: Whether or not to start over at the beginning

Return value

Expected type: Array

Array Elements
Key Optional Expected type Description
alternate no Boolean This is an internal variable that is used for alternating the background color of posts
attachment no Array This calls loadAttachmentContext, which will be an array of attachments for this message
body no Escaped String The body of the post
can_delete no Boolean Whether or not the person viewing this topic can delete this post
can_modify no Boolean Whether or not the person viewing this topic can modify this post
can_see_ip no Boolean Whether or not the person viewing this post can see the poster's IP address
count no Integer Internal post counter. Used with alternate
first_new no Boolean Whether or not this is the first new post in the topic
href no String The href value for the post link
icon no String The name of the message icon used for this post
icon_url no String The URL to this post's message icon
id no Integer The message ID
link no String The HTML code for the topic link
member no Integer The member ID, called by reference
modified no Array An array containing info about the last modification to the post - time (formatted timestamp indicating when the message was last modified), timestamp (unformatted timestamp) and name (name of the person who modified this post last)
new no Boolean Whether or not this is a new post
subject no String The subject of this post
time no String Formatted timestamp corresponding to when this post was made (adjusted according to time offset)
timestamp no Integer The raw timestamp corresponding to when this post was made


  • Starts over from the beginning if reset is set to true, which is useful for showing an index before or after the posts.