

Used by fixTags, fixes a specific tag's links.


void fixTag (string &$message, string $myTag, string $protocol[, bool $embeddedUrl[, bool $hasEqualSign[, bool $hasExtra]]])

Parameter &$message

Expected type: String
Description: The message with URLs that need fixing

Parameter $myTag

Expected type: Enumerated String
Description: A particular tag

Possible string values
Allowed values Description
'flash' The flash tag
'ftp' The FTP tag
'img' The img tag
'iurl' The iurl tag (exactly like URL except links open in the same window instead of a new one)
'url' The url tag

Parameter $protocol

Expected type: Enumerated String
Description: What protocol(s) this tag accepts

Possible string values
Allowed values Description
'ftp' FTP protocol (only works for the FTP tag)
'http' Standard http protocol (note: https will also work) - works for all tags

Parameter $embeddedUrl

Expected type: Boolean
Description: Whether or not the URL can be embedded inside the tag. Default is false.

Parameter $hasEqualSign

Expected type: Boolean
Description: Whether or not the tag has an "=" sign (ie [url=...]). Default is false.

Parameter $hasExtra

Expected type: Boolean
Description: Whether or not the tag has additional parameters (ie [img width=...]). Default is false.


  • Values for all the extra parameters (besides $message) are determined by the $fixArray array in the fixTags function
  • The https protocol will also work
  • If "://" isn't in the protocol, it will be added
  • Any spaces in the protocol will be stripped