

Retrieves a directory listing for the specified directory.


mixed ftp_connection::list_dir (string $ftp_path[, bool $search])

Parameter $ftp_path

Expected type: String
Description: The path to a directory (other than the current one) to get the listing for

Parameter $search

Expected type: Boolean
Description: If true, will do a recursive listing showing the contents of any subdirectories as well. Default is false.

Return value

Expected type: Mixed

Possible types
Allowed values Description
Boolean False - command was unsuccessful
String The directory listing returned by FTP


  • Example: $package_ftp->list_dir('/public_html');
  • Sends the "LIST -1" command to the server ("1" means list 1 file per line)
  • Appends "R" flag to the above command if $search is true ("R" = recursive)
  • Checks for either a 150 or 226 response code
  • Sets a 'bad_response' error, attempts to close the passive connection and returns false if the response code isn't 150 or 226