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- Function Database
Called by db_fatal_error() function (in Errors.php.)
void show_db_error (void $param1)
Parameter $param1
Expected type: Void
- Shows a complete page independent of language files or themes.
- Used only if there's no way to connect to the database or the load averages are too high to do so.
- Emails the admin about the issue if they've requested it, but only if it's been at least 72 hours since the last email and the forum isn't in maintenance mode
- Includes an error message from MySQL if one is available
- Updates db_last_error to record the timestamp when the last email was sent
- Tries to cache the db_last_error info for 5 minutes (avoids making a load average problem even worse)
- Writes the db_last_error info to Settings.php if caching isn't successful
- Outputs an appropriate message based on whether it's a connection issue or a load average issue
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