

Gets the version info for all your SMF files


array getFileVersions (array &$versionOptions)

Parameter &$versionOptions

Expected type: Array
Description: Various options for the version check. All are optional, but an array must be passed either way.

Array Elements of $versionOptions
Key Optional Expected type Description
include_ssi yes Boolean Whether or not to check the version of SSI.php
include_subscriptions yes Boolean Whether or not to check the version of the paid subscriptions handler (subscriptions.php in the forum directory)
sort_results yes Boolean Whether or not to sort the results by filename

Return value

Expected type: Array
Description: Version info for all the files. Each array within this array has a key of the filename and a value of the version number (or "??" if the version info wasn't found)

Array Elements
Key Optional Expected type Description
default_language_versions no Array Version info for each of the language files in the "default" theme
default_template_versions no Array Version numbers for each of the files in the "default" theme
file_versions no Array Version numbers for each of the non-template files, including SSI.php and subscriptions.php if applicable
template_versions no Array Version numbers for each of the files in the theme you're currently using
