

Searches for indexed words


void fulltext_search::indexedWordQuery (array $words, array $search_data)

Parameter $words

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of non-indexed and indexed words

Array Elements of $words
Key Optional Expected type Description
indexed_words no Array Indexed words
words no Array Non-indexed words

Parameter $search_data

Expected type: Array
Description: An array of information about this particular search. All keys are optional.

Array Elements of $search_data
Key Optional Expected type Description
board_query yes String An SQL string specifying how to match the board parameter ('IN {list_of_boards}', '= {board_id}')
excluded_index_words yes Array An array of excluded words that might be indexed
excluded_phrases yes Array An array of phrases to exclude from the results
excluded_subject_words yes Array An array of words that should not be in the subject of any results
id_search yes Integer The ID of a specific search
max_msg_id yes Integer The maximum message ID
min_msg_id yes Integer The minimum message ID
topic yes Integer The ID of a specific topic to search
user_query yes String An SQL string specifying how to match the desired "user" parameter
