

Used to redirect users after posting form data to prevent them from going back and re-posting it.


void redirectexit ([string $setLocation[, bool $add[, bool $refresh]]])

Parameter $setLocation

Expected type: String
Description: The location to redirect the user to. If not specified, they'll be sent to the boardindex.

Parameter $add

Expected type: Boolean
Description: Whether or not to add $scripturl and ? to the beginning of the location (default is true)

Parameter $refresh

Expected type: Boolean
Description: Whether to send a refresh header instead of a location header. Only used in certain situations, and has no effect if $modSettings['useMetaRefresh'] is set (default is false)


  • Should be used whenever anything is posted
  • Uses Meta refresh if $modSettings['useMetaRefresh'] is set
  • If $add is true, automatically appends $scripturl and ? to the location
  • Redirects to the board index if no location is specified